Crum’s Poem “Coupling” Appears in Pangyrus
Crum’s poem “Coupling,” which examines the damage two damaged people cause one another, was published in Pangyrus on April 28, 2017. Pangyrus is a new lit journal dedicated to publishing high-quality, thought-provoking writing in various genres. The journal’s name is a portmanteau combining “Pangea,” the world continent, and “gyrus,” the ridges of the cerebral cortex crucial to verbal association.
Crum Has Artist's Residency at VCCA
Crum spent October 2014, at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA), in Amherst, VA. To quote the organization’s website, “VCCA advances the arts by providing a creative space in which our best national and international artists produce their finest literature, visual art and music.”
Crum Attends Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop
Crum participated in the 2014 Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop, which was held June 1-14, and hosted by Brown University’s Department of Africana Studies.
Crum’s Cosmopolitan Poems Appear in TuckOn February 2, 2014, Tuck Magazine published two of Crum’s poems, “Alain Ducasse” and “The First Eurasian Water War: The Battle of London, 2031.” Both poems espouse cosmopolitanism, the concern not just for the people of one’s country but for all the people of the world.
Crum Weighs in on George Zimmerman's AcquittalCrum's essay “From Post-Black to Postmortem–The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin” appeared on in July 2013. The opening sentence reads: “Trayvon Martin’s death and George Zimmerman’s acquittal are further proof that Obama’s two-term presidency and the spike in interracial marriage have not magically transformed America into some post-racial Shangri-la free of the demons of prejudice and discrimination.”
Crum's Yearlong Writer's Residency Is Extended Another Year
__Dana Crum won the 2012-2013 Eva Jane Romaine Coombe Writer’s Residency at The Seven Hills School, a pre-K — 12 private school in Cincinnati, Ohio. The school awarded him the residency for the 2013-2014 school year as well.
Crum Publishes His First Book of PoetryCrum’s chapbook Good Friday 2000 was published by Q Ave Press in May 2014. Purchase it on the publisher's website or on Amazon.
Or read it for free. Note: A chapbook is a short book of poetry. Praise for Good Friday 2000: "Dana Crum's poetry rocks, takes off, catapults into a world of race, family, love and passion. In the long poem Good Friday 2000, he explores each one of these topics with grace and longing, with an internal fortitude turned into music that is deeply moving. Mr. Crum is a poet who, with each new work, gains the momentum of both a butterfly and a Sherman tank, blowing our minds into a beautiful heaviness that is unstoppable." –Matthew Lippman “A brilliantly lit portrayal of a man torn between suspect faiths and shattering realities, this journeyed poem carries us along to a richly conflicted state, pointed out by ‘strange tongues,’ and awakening beneath an ominously flickering sky into the inescapable ‘long embrace’ of our need to confront the origins and departures of the soul.” –Gregory Donovan The Paris Review Daily Profiles Crum
The Paris Review Daily recently profiled Crum. The Paris Review is one of the country's most prestigious literary journals. The journal's website states: "Decade after decade, the Review has introduced the important writers of the day. Adrienne Rich was first published in its pages, as were Philip Roth, V. S. Naipaul, T. Coraghessan Boyle, Mona Simpson, Edward P. Jones, and Rick Moody."
Crum Reads in Celebration of National Poetry Month_April is National Poetry Month. To commemorate the occasion, “30 Poets.30 Days.” released — every day of April 2012 — a video of a poet performing an original poem. On April 3, Dana Crum was featured; he read a piece titled “Coupling.” You can view Crum’s video on the site itself or on Vimeo.
_Listen to Crum read his poetry.
Three of Crum’s Poems Appear in Blackbird
![]() Crum’s poems “Bruised Forest,” “i know who you are” and “Rec Center” were published in Blackbird on May 31, 2017. Blackbird was founded in 2002 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.
Crum to Do a Book Signing at 2015 AWP Conference
![]() On Saturday, April 11, 2015, from 11 am until noon, Crum will sign copies of his chapbook Good Friday 2000 at the Vermont Studio Center (VSC) table, at the 2015 AWP Conference, in Minneapolis. The conference, which will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center & Hilton Minneapolis Hotel, is the largest annual literary conference in North America.
Book Launch for Crum’s First BookThe book launch for Crum’s Good Friday 2000 (Q Ave Press) will be on Friday, May 9, at 7 pm, in Cincinnati. Crum will give a reading and sign copies.
Gregory Donovan calls the book “a brilliantly lit portrayal of a man torn between suspect faiths and shattering realities.” Matthew Lippman adds that the work has “the momentum of both a butterfly and a Sherman tank, blowing our minds into a beautiful heaviness that is unstoppable." Crum Appears in "Inflammatory," a Video by Multimedia Artist Nicky Enright
The “Inflammatory” video, starring Dana Crum, is now available to the public. Created by multimedia artist Nicky Enright, the video is part of the installation “Inflammatory,” which was featured in the Bronx Museum’s first AIM Biennial show, in the summer of 2011. The museum's press release states: “Enright samples and dissects visual, audio and sociopolitical ephemera. His work counters binary logic and deflates the opposition of dualities in order to expand the boundaries of global culture, hybridity and transnationalism.”